An analysis of second life in foreign language learning and teaching: exploring its potential

The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in language learning and teaching has greatly increased in the last decade. Among the different technological tools used in the learning process, virtual worlds have gained popularity among educators and students (e.g. Warburton, 2009; Wang & Burton, 2012; Zhang, 2012; Duncan et al., 2012). This article explores the different possibilities the virtual world Second Life (SL) offers in the language learning process. SL is an online virtual world where residents all over the globe can interact through their avatars by which they can collaborate and learn in an experimental way. This paper offers a theoretical approach about the potential of SL in foreign language education. Firstly, it explores the use of this platform in education, explaining its origins, evolution and current changes. Secondly, it will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of the use of this virtual world for learning languages, paying special attention to the different learning environments, the students’ motivation, and the educational activities amongst others. This paper will conclude with a section of pedagogical implications in which an activity will be proposed to show the different implications of SL in a foreign language classroom. Students will have to work on four different activities that will be based on one of the main four language skills that are established by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR): writing, speaking, listening and reading. After explaining the activity, special attention will be paid to the strengths and weaknesses of this specific task.

Authored by
Gloria Sánchez
Publication type
Journal article
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