Laura Portolés

Laura Portolés

Laura Portolés Falomir is an Assistant Professor and member of the LAELA research group at Universitat Jaume I, Spain. She is also co-coordinator of the English Language Teaching and Acquisition in Multilingual Contexts (MELACOM) MA programme. Laura finished her PhD in Applied Linguistics in December 2013. Her research interests include third language acquisition, affective factors, early pragmatic development and multilingual education. She has published several book chapters and journal articles on those topics. Laura has recently co-authored a special issue on Multilingualism with Prof. Pilar Safont (Caplletra 2020) and on CLIL with Otilia Martí (ELT 2019). She has also published an international volume entitled Multilingualism and Very Young Learners (De Gruyter, 2015), which received the 2016 outstanding book award (junior researchers category) from AESLA association.



Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés


The effect of individual factors on L3 teachers’ beliefs about multilingual education

Language, Culture and Curriculum

Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés


Regulative Discourse for Pre-Schoolers: Should English Language Teachers Be Polite?

Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics

Laura Portolés


El multilingüisme a l'escola: tendències educatives i nous reptes

Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia

Laura Portolés, Pilar Safont


Presentació del monogràfic: Retrat de l’educació multilingüe

Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia

Laura Portolés, Otilia Martí


Teachers’ beliefs about multilingual pedagogies and the role of initial training

International Journal of Multilingualism

Laura Portolés, Otilia Martí


Translanguaging as a teaching resource in early language learning of English as a an additional language (EAL)

Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature

Pilar Safont, Laura Portolés


Pragmatic functions of formulaic speech in three different languages

Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education

Laura Portolés, Sofía Martín-Laguna


Code switching in classroom discourse: A multilingual approach


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