Pilar Safont

L'Ensenyament /adquisició de segones llengües des d'una perspectiva pragmàticodiscursiva

La importància d’aspectes discursius en l’ensenyament i aprenentatge de segones llengües s’ha fet palesa en les últimes dècades, sobretot a partir de la presència de l’enfocament comunicatiu en l’ensenyament. Com a conseqüència d’aquesta visió, diversos estudis s’han dut a terme tot considerant el desenvolupament i la promoció de la competència comunicativa dels aprenents.

Pragmatic Translanguaging: Multilingual Practice in Adolescent Online Discourse

This study puts forward the term ‘pragmatic translanguaging’ to refer to consciously outcome-oriented language switch motivations. The study focuses on the translanguaging practices of adolescents in their online discourse and explores what Jørgensen (2008) calls the ‘designing mind’ behind such practices; that is, an awareness of both the practices themselves and the motivations for them. With this in mind, the aim is to ascertain whether online translanguaging practices are intentional and to identify the functions they perform.

Dell H. Hymes ya apostaba por un enfoque multilingüe y etnográfico en el estudio de la lengua

Denominador común en la formación de estudiosos y estudiantes de lingüística aplicada es el trabajo de Dell Hathaway Hymes. Su contribución al ámbito de la sociolingüística, la antropología, la filosofía del lenguaje y, tal y como señala el compañero Ignacio Palacios a la enseñanza de lenguas es inestimable. Juan Manuel Hernández Campoy da habida cuenta de la relevancia de las aportaciones teóricas de Hymes para el estudio de la sociolingüística.

Early requestive development in consecutive third language learning

While research on early simultaneous bilingual acquisition is well-documented, studies on multiple language acquisition in early childhood are still needed. Existing studies have mainly focused on early simultaneous acquisition of three or more languages). Some attention has already been paid to early pragmatic differentiation and cross-linguistic influence. Nevertheless, the effects of the successive acquisition of two or more languages in early childhood are still under-researched.

Examining authentic and elicited data from a multilingual perspective. The real picture of child requestive behaviour in the L3 classroom

While child requestive behavior has received some attention in SLA research, very few studies have considered requests production and comprehension in young learners from a multilingual perspective (Safont and Portolés, 2015, Safont and Portolés, 2016; Portolés, 2015; Safont, 2017). However, data in previous studies were obtained either from completion tests or from natural classroom discourse. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have explored young learners’ requests in three languages by combining both authentic and elicited data.