Irene Guzman

Irene Guzmán

Irene Guzmán Alcón is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Language Didactics at the University of Valencia (UV). She has been a member of the LAELA (Applied Linguistics to English Language Teaching) research group since September 2019. She holds an MA in English Language Teaching in Multilingual Contexts and an MA in English Language Teaching in Secondary Education. During her career, she conducted research stays at the University of Vienna, Georgetown University (USA) and Queen Mary University of London. Her research interests include third language acquisition, writing, affective factors, young language learners, CLIL, and multilingual education. The results of her studies have been disseminated through various articles in internationally indexed journals such as English Language Teaching, Applied Pragmatics, and Language Value, among others. She has attended approximately 30 national and international conferences and has been involved in the organisation of several international and national conferences. Additionally, she has participated in several research projects focusing on multilingual pragmatics, content and language-integrated learning, and individual differences in education.



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