Best Student Paper Prize

The Best Student Paper Prize is a 100 Euro voucher for Multilingual Matters books

Criteria for selection are the following:
The paper shows appropriate methodological rigor;
The paper reflects sound bibliographical consideration;
The paper contributes to the debate on acquisition and/or use of third languages and multilingualism;
The presentation includes the use of multimedia and is effectively delivered;
The student is an author on the presentation, takes primary responsibility for its content, and is a registered participant at the Conference.

Students wishing to compete for the student paper prize should submit their written contribution by 10th September 2012 to (with the information "Best Student Paper Prize" in the subject line). Contributions should not exceed 10-12 pages single-spaced, Font: Times New Roman 12pt. taking into account APA style.

Many thanks to Multilingual Matters for sponsoring the Best Student Paper Prize.