
Journal article

Patricia Salazar-Campillo


Descortesía en correos electrónicos de estudiantes universitarios en español

Journal article

Irene Guzman


Exploring the impact of language exposure outside the classroom on students’ writing

Journal article

Patricia Salazar-Campillo, Gloria Sánchez


Proficiency and writing at high school level in Spain: scoring students’ EFL performance with an analytic rubric

Journal article

Laura Portolés, Gema Gayete


Enhancing multilingual young students’ pragmatic awareness through pedagogical translanguaging

Book chapter

Alicia Martínez-Flor


Multimodal input and L2 pragmatics: An eye-tracking study

Book chapter

Richard Nightingale


“There Are More Diversities in Multilingualism”: Visualising Dominant Language Constellations to Raise Awareness of Multilingualism in Future Language Teachers

Book chapter

Pilar Safont


Young Multilingual Pragmatics. A Focus on Requests in CLIL and Non-CLIL Settings

Book chapter

Laura Portolés


Translanguaging and the Role of the L1 in CLIL Classrooms: Beliefs of In-Service Teachers

Journal article

Pilar Safont


Multilingual cyberpragmatics in instructional settings. Exploring gender and age effects in Catalan, Spanish and English email requests

Book chapter

Alicia Martínez-Flor


Teachers’ awareness and beliefs towards corrective feedback in L2 pragmatics

Edited volume

Alicia Martínez-Flor


L2 Pragmatics in Action

Book chapter

Richard Nightingale, Eva Alcón


Investigating pragmatic development in study abroad contexts

Book chapter

Alicia Martínez-Flor


L2 pragmatics in action: Teachers, learners and the teaching-learning interaction process

Journal article

Eva Alcón


La movilidad virtualen la educación superior de habla hispana

Book chapter

Sofía Martín-Laguna


Metadiscourse Learning Trajectories in Multilingual Learners: A Focus on Attitude Markers and Hedges

Journal article

Patricia Salazar-Campillo


Address Forms and Politeness Markers in Spanish Students’ Emails to Faculty

Journal article

Ariadna Sanchez, Alicia Martínez-Flor


Teaching the pragmatics of English as an international language: A focus on pragmatic markers

Journal article

Esther Usó-Juan


Exploring the role of strategy instruction on learners’ ability to write authentic email requests to faculty

Journal article

Sofía Martín-Laguna


The multilingual turn in pragmatics. Is the use of hedges and attitude markers shared across languages in trilingual writing?

Journal article

Esther Usó-Juan, Alicia Martínez-Flor


Using audiovisual material to teach refusals from a discursive perspective: A research-based proposal

Book chapter

Irene Guzman


Exploring teachers' role and student's perceptions of learning in CLIL

Journal article

Gema Gayete


Beliefs towards Multilingual Education: EFL Teachers vs Parents

Journal article

Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés


Regulative Discourse for Pre-Schoolers: Should English Language Teachers Be Polite?

Journal article

Ignacio Martínez, Pilar Safont


Multilingual pragmatic awareness in collaborative writing

Journal article

Irene Guzman


Language attitudes and third language writing in a multilingual educational context

Journal article

Pilar Safont


‘In English!’ teachers’ requests as reactions to learners’ translanguaging discourse

Journal article

Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés


The effect of individual factors on L3 teachers’ beliefs about multilingual education

Book chapter

Gema Gayete


The effect of CLIL on L3 students’ oral production and comprehension in a primary school context

Journal article

Victòria Codina


Students' Perception of Social Contextual Variables in Mitigating Email Requests

Edited volume

Eva Alcón


La Universidad y la Igualdad de Género

Journal article

Irene Guzman, Laura Portolés


In-service teachers’ language attitudes in the Valencian educational system: the effect of the school language programme and the L1

Journal article

Victòria Codina


The influence of social distance and power in email politeness in an academic context

Book chapter

Esther Usó-Juan


Long-term instructional effects on learners’ use of email request modifiers

Journal article

Esther Usó-Juan, Alicia Martínez-Flor


Fostering learner’s (meta)pragmatic awareness through film analysis

Book chapter

Esther Usó-Juan, Alicia Martínez-Flor


Teacher pragmatic awareness in English as an International Language

Book chapter

Eva Alcón


La integración de la perspectiva de género en la universidad

Journal article

Laura Portolés


El multilingüisme a l'escola: tendències educatives i nous reptes

Journal article

Laura Portolés, Pilar Safont


Presentació del monogràfic: Retrat de l’educació multilingüe

Journal article

Otilia Martí


Tractament integrat de llengua i contingut: Quina llengua? Com s’integra? Per a què?

Book chapter

Alicia Martínez-Flor, Esther Usó-Juan


Teaching speech acts in a second language

Edited volume

Eva Alcón


Más Talento para la Universidad Española

Journal article

Gloria Sánchez


Exploring Teachers’ and Students’ Language Attitudes in a Bilingual Community.

Book (monograph)

Sofía Martín-Laguna


Tasks, Pragmatics and Multilingualism in the Classroom: A Portrait of Adolescent Writing in Multiple Languages


Tamara Hernández


Review of Investigating the Learning of Pragmatics across Ages and Contexts

Book chapter

Richard Nightingale


A Dominant Language Constellations Case Study on Language Use and the Affective Domain

Journal article

Ana Herriaz, Eva Alcón


Pragmatic outcomes in the English-medium instruction context: The influence of intensity of instruction

Book chapter

Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés


Is Teacher Talk for Very Young Language Learners Pragmatically Tuned? Directives in Two EAL Classrooms

Book chapter

Richard Nightingale, Pilar Safont


Pragmatic Translanguaging: Multilingual Practice in Adolescent Online Discourse

Edited volume

Patricia Salazar-Campillo, Victòria Codina


Investigating the Learning of Pragmatics across Ages and Contexts

Book chapter

Eva Alcón, Ariadna Sanchez


The Role of Individual Differences on Learning Pragmatic Routines in a Study Abroad Context

Book chapter

Sofía Martín-Laguna


Exploring Case Stories in the Development of Textual Discourse-Pragmatic Markers in Formal English Language Classrooms

Book chapter

Victòria Codina, Patricia Salazar-Campillo


Student-to-Faculty Email Consultation in English, Spanish and Catalan in an Academic Context

Journal article

Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés


Spokes in the Wheels of CLIL for Multilingualism or How Monolingual Ideologies Limit Teacher Training

Journal article

Victòria Codina, Patricia Salazar-Campillo


Openings and Closing in Emails by CLIL Students: A Pedagogical Proposal

Journal article

Richard Nightingale, Pilar Safont


Conversational Style and Early Academic Language Skills in CLIL and Non-CLIL Settings: A Multilingual Sociopragmatic Perspective

Journal article

Irene Guzman


Investigating the Application of Communicative Language Teaching Principles in Primary-Education: A Comparison of CLIL and FL Classrooms

Journal article

Ariadna Sanchez, Eva Alcón


Pragmatic gains in the study abroad context: Learners' experiences and recognition of pragmatic routines

Journal article

Irene Guzman


Teachers’ language use and attitudes towards multilingual education in primary education

Book chapter

Patricia Salazar-Campillo, Victòria Codina


Politeness in first and follow-up emails to faculty: Openings and closings

Book chapter

Richard Nightingale


Assessing the impact of extramural media contact on the foreign-language pragmatic competence and awareness of English philology students in Spain

Book chapter

Ana Herriaz, Eva Alcón


English-medium instruction and functional adequacy in L2 writing

Book chapter

Sofía Martín-Laguna


Learning pragmatics in the multilingual classroom: Exploring multicompetence across types of discourse-pragmatic markers

Journal article

Laura Portolés, Otilia Martí


Teachers’ beliefs about multilingual pedagogies and the role of initial training

Book chapter

Eva Alcón


Effects of task supported language teaching on learners’ use and knowledge of email request mitigators

Journal article

Tamara Hernández


Teacher’s feedback vs. computer-generated feedback: A focus on articles

Book chapter

Pilar Safont


Are Classroom Requests Similar in All EFL Settings? Focusing on a Young Multilingual Learning Environment

Journal article

Sofía Martín-Laguna, Eva Alcón


Development of discourse-pragmatic markers in a multilingual classroom: A mixed method research approach

Journal article

Laura Portolés, Pilar Safont


Examining authentic and elicited data from a multilingual perspective. The real picture of child requestive behaviour in the L3 classroom

Journal article

Eva Alcón, Pilar Safont


Editors' introduction to mixed method approaches in investigating pragmatic learning

Journal article

Eva Alcón


Pragmatic development during study abroad: An analysis of Spanish teachers' request strategies in English emails

Journal article

Laura Portolés, Otilia Martí


Translanguaging as a teaching resource in early language learning of English as a an additional language (EAL)

Journal article

Eva Alcón


La importancia de la evaluación docente

Journal article

Eva Alcón


Learning Pragmatic Routines during Study Abroad: A Focus on Proficiency and Type of Routine

Book chapter

Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés


Percepcions del futur professorat de primària sobre el potencial didàctic de l’AICLE més enllà de la competència lingüística en anglés

Book chapter

Richard Nightingale


Getting to the point: una propuesta para el desarrollo y la evaluación de las competencias del inglés escrito en el contexto universitario

Book chapter

Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés


Ensenyar anglés des d’una perspectiva plurilingüe: creences i coneixements previs del futur professorat d’educació infantil i primària

Book chapter

Sofía Martín-Laguna


Exploring Textual Pragmatic Markers in a Multilingual Classroom Context

Journal article

Alicia Martínez-Flor


Teaching apology formulas at the discourse level: Are instructional effects maintained over time?

Journal article

Gloria Sánchez


Task-based language teaching: An analysis of learners’ perception of technology-mediated tasks in EFL contexts

Journal article

Pilar Safont, Laura Portolés


Pragmatic functions of formulaic speech in three different languages

Book chapter

Eva Alcón


Eliciting oral interaction data in EFL settings

Journal article

Patricia Salazar-Campillo


EFL Students' Preferences Towards Written Corrective Feedback: An Exploratory Study on Age and Level of Proficiency

Book (monograph)

Laura Portolés


Multilingualism and Very Young Learners: An Analysis of Pragmatic Awareness and Language Attitudes

Edited volume

Pilar Safont, Laura Portolés


Learning and Using Multiple Languages: Current Findings from Research on Multilingualism

Book chapter

Eva Alcón


Teachers' percpetions of email requests: insights for teaching pragmatics in study abroad contexts

Book chapter

Pilar Safont


The promotion of multilingualism in a Catalan-speaking area. Familial challenges in the Valencian Community.

Journal article

Eva Alcón


Instruction and pragmatic change during study abroad email communication

Journal article

Sofía Martín-Laguna, Eva Alcón


Do learners rely on metadiscourse markers? An exploratory study in English, Catalan and Spanish

Journal article

Eva Alcón


Pragmatic learning and study abroad: Effects of instruction and length of stay

Journal article

Gloria Sánchez


An Analysis of Blogs in Communicative Classrooms: Exploring its Potential

Book chapter

Laura Portolés


Analysing prospective teachers’ attitudes towards three languages in two different sociolinguistic and educational settings

Book chapter

Richard Nightingale


Well I Never!: Formulaic Language as a Pragmatic Resource in Child Entertainment Media

Book chapter

Eva Alcón, Victòria Codina, Sofía Martín-Laguna


Teachers’ and students' perception of e-mail politeness in academic cyber-consultation: Implications for teaching pragmatics.

Book chapter

Sofía Martín-Laguna


Raising learners’ attention to refusals during Focus on Form interaction: Does the interlocutor matter?

Edited volume

Otilia Martí, Patricia Salazar-Campillo


Refusals in instructional contexts and beyond

Book chapter

Laura Portolés, Sofía Martín-Laguna


Code switching in classroom discourse: A multilingual approach

Journal article

Gloria Sánchez


An analysis of second life in foreign language learning and teaching: exploring its potential


Pilar Safont


Commentary on Copp Mokönen’s dissertation

Journal article

Pilar Safont


Early stages of trilingual pragmatic development. A longitudinal study of requests in Catalan, Spanish and English

Book chapter

Sofía Martín-Laguna, Eva Alcón


The effect of proficiency and interlocutor on learners’ performance during refusal focused tasks

Edited volume

Eva Alcón, Pilar Safont


Discourse and language learning across L2 instructional settings

Journal article

Pilar Safont


Early requestive development in consecutive third language learning

Edited volume

Alicia Martínez-Flor, Esther Usó-Juan


Speech Act Performance: Theoretical, empirical and methodological issues

Journal article

Pilar Safont


Dell H. Hymes ya apostaba por un enfoque multilingüe y etnográfico en el estudio de la lengua

Journal article

Patricia Salazar-Campillo, Pilar Safont, Victòria Codina


Refusal Strategies: a proposal from a sociopragmatic approach

Edited volume

Eva Alcón, Alicia Martínez-Flor


Investigating Pragmatics in Foreign Language Learning, Teaching and Testing

Journal article

Eva Alcón, María Carmen Campoy, Victòria Codina, Ana Fernández, Otilia Martí, Alicia Martínez-Flor, Pilar Safont, Patricia Salazar-Campillo, Esther Usó-Juan


L'Ensenyament /adquisició de segones llengües des d'una perspectiva pragmàticodiscursiva

Edited volume

Esther Usó-Juan, Alicia Martínez-Flor


Current Trends in the Development and Teaching of the four Language Skills


Pilar Safont


Book Review: Trilingüismo en la enseñanza. Actitudes hacia la lengua minoritaria, la mayoritaria y la extranjera

Journal article

Eva Alcón, Alicia Martínez-Flor


Pragmatics in Instructed Language Learning (Edition: Special Issue)

Journal article

Eva Alcón, Alicia Martínez-Flor


Editors’ introduction to pragmatics in instructed language learning

Journal article

Alicia Martínez-Flor


The effects of instruction on learners’ production of appropriate and accurate suggestions

Title Year Author(s) Type
Descortesía en correos electrónicos de estudiantes universitarios en español 2024 Patricia Salazar-Campillo Journal article
Exploring the impact of language exposure outside the classroom on students’ writing 2024 Irene Guzman Journal article
Proficiency and writing at high school level in Spain: scoring students’ EFL performance with an analytic rubric 2024 Patricia Salazar-Campillo, Gloria Sánchez Journal article
Enhancing multilingual young students’ pragmatic awareness through pedagogical translanguaging 2024 Laura Portolés, Gema Gayete Journal article
Multimodal input and L2 pragmatics: An eye-tracking study 2024 Alicia Martínez-Flor Book chapter
“There Are More Diversities in Multilingualism”: Visualising Dominant Language Constellations to Raise Awareness of Multilingualism in Future Language Teachers 2024 Richard Nightingale Book chapter
Young Multilingual Pragmatics. A Focus on Requests in CLIL and Non-CLIL Settings 2024 Pilar Safont Book chapter
Translanguaging and the Role of the L1 in CLIL Classrooms: Beliefs of In-Service Teachers 2024 Laura Portolés Book chapter
Multilingual cyberpragmatics in instructional settings. Exploring gender and age effects in Catalan, Spanish and English email requests 2023 Pilar Safont Journal article
Teachers’ awareness and beliefs towards corrective feedback in L2 pragmatics 2023 Alicia Martínez-Flor Book chapter
L2 Pragmatics in Action 2023 Alicia Martínez-Flor Edited volume
Investigating pragmatic development in study abroad contexts 2023 Richard Nightingale, Eva Alcón Book chapter
L2 pragmatics in action: Teachers, learners and the teaching-learning interaction process 2023 Alicia Martínez-Flor Book chapter
La movilidad virtualen la educación superior de habla hispana 2023 Eva Alcón Journal article
Metadiscourse Learning Trajectories in Multilingual Learners: A Focus on Attitude Markers and Hedges 2023 Sofía Martín-Laguna Book chapter
Address Forms and Politeness Markers in Spanish Students’ Emails to Faculty 2023 Patricia Salazar-Campillo Journal article
Teaching the pragmatics of English as an international language: A focus on pragmatic markers 2022 Ariadna Sanchez, Alicia Martínez-Flor Journal article
Exploring the role of strategy instruction on learners’ ability to write authentic email requests to faculty 2022 Esther Usó-Juan Journal article
The multilingual turn in pragmatics. Is the use of hedges and attitude markers shared across languages in trilingual writing? 2022 Sofía Martín-Laguna Journal article
Using audiovisual material to teach refusals from a discursive perspective: A research-based proposal 2022 Esther Usó-Juan, Alicia Martínez-Flor Journal article
Exploring teachers' role and student's perceptions of learning in CLIL 2022 Irene Guzman Book chapter
Beliefs towards Multilingual Education: EFL Teachers vs Parents 2022 Gema Gayete Journal article
Regulative Discourse for Pre-Schoolers: Should English Language Teachers Be Polite? 2022 Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés Journal article
Multilingual pragmatic awareness in collaborative writing 2022 Ignacio Martínez, Pilar Safont Journal article
Language attitudes and third language writing in a multilingual educational context 2022 Irene Guzman Journal article
‘In English!’ teachers’ requests as reactions to learners’ translanguaging discourse 2022 Pilar Safont Journal article
The effect of individual factors on L3 teachers’ beliefs about multilingual education 2022 Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés Journal article
The effect of CLIL on L3 students’ oral production and comprehension in a primary school context 2022 Gema Gayete Book chapter
Students' Perception of Social Contextual Variables in Mitigating Email Requests 2022 Victòria Codina Journal article
La Universidad y la Igualdad de Género 2022 Eva Alcón Edited volume
In-service teachers’ language attitudes in the Valencian educational system: the effect of the school language programme and the L1 2021 Irene Guzman, Laura Portolés Journal article
The influence of social distance and power in email politeness in an academic context 2021 Victòria Codina Journal article
Long-term instructional effects on learners’ use of email request modifiers 2021 Esther Usó-Juan Book chapter
Fostering learner’s (meta)pragmatic awareness through film analysis 2021 Esther Usó-Juan, Alicia Martínez-Flor Journal article
Teacher pragmatic awareness in English as an International Language 2021 Esther Usó-Juan, Alicia Martínez-Flor Book chapter
La integración de la perspectiva de género en la universidad 2021 Eva Alcón Book chapter
El multilingüisme a l'escola: tendències educatives i nous reptes 2020 Laura Portolés Journal article
Presentació del monogràfic: Retrat de l’educació multilingüe 2020 Laura Portolés, Pilar Safont Journal article
Tractament integrat de llengua i contingut: Quina llengua? Com s’integra? Per a què? 2020 Otilia Martí Journal article
Teaching speech acts in a second language 2020 Alicia Martínez-Flor, Esther Usó-Juan Book chapter
Más Talento para la Universidad Española 2020 Eva Alcón Edited volume
Exploring Teachers’ and Students’ Language Attitudes in a Bilingual Community. 2020 Gloria Sánchez Journal article
Tasks, Pragmatics and Multilingualism in the Classroom: A Portrait of Adolescent Writing in Multiple Languages 2020 Sofía Martín-Laguna Book (monograph)
Review of Investigating the Learning of Pragmatics across Ages and Contexts 2020 Tamara Hernández Other
A Dominant Language Constellations Case Study on Language Use and the Affective Domain 2020 Richard Nightingale Book chapter
Pragmatic outcomes in the English-medium instruction context: The influence of intensity of instruction 2019 Ana Herriaz, Eva Alcón Journal article
Is Teacher Talk for Very Young Language Learners Pragmatically Tuned? Directives in Two EAL Classrooms 2019 Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés Book chapter
Pragmatic Translanguaging: Multilingual Practice in Adolescent Online Discourse 2019 Richard Nightingale, Pilar Safont Book chapter
Investigating the Learning of Pragmatics across Ages and Contexts 2019 Patricia Salazar-Campillo, Victòria Codina Edited volume
The Role of Individual Differences on Learning Pragmatic Routines in a Study Abroad Context 2019 Eva Alcón, Ariadna Sanchez Book chapter
Exploring Case Stories in the Development of Textual Discourse-Pragmatic Markers in Formal English Language Classrooms 2019 Sofía Martín-Laguna Book chapter
Student-to-Faculty Email Consultation in English, Spanish and Catalan in an Academic Context 2019 Victòria Codina, Patricia Salazar-Campillo Book chapter
Spokes in the Wheels of CLIL for Multilingualism or How Monolingual Ideologies Limit Teacher Training 2019 Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés Journal article
Openings and Closing in Emails by CLIL Students: A Pedagogical Proposal 2019 Victòria Codina, Patricia Salazar-Campillo Journal article
Conversational Style and Early Academic Language Skills in CLIL and Non-CLIL Settings: A Multilingual Sociopragmatic Perspective 2019 Richard Nightingale, Pilar Safont Journal article
Investigating the Application of Communicative Language Teaching Principles in Primary-Education: A Comparison of CLIL and FL Classrooms 2019 Irene Guzman Journal article
Pragmatic gains in the study abroad context: Learners' experiences and recognition of pragmatic routines 2019 Ariadna Sanchez, Eva Alcón Journal article
Teachers’ language use and attitudes towards multilingual education in primary education 2019 Irene Guzman Journal article
Politeness in first and follow-up emails to faculty: Openings and closings 2019 Patricia Salazar-Campillo, Victòria Codina Book chapter
Assessing the impact of extramural media contact on the foreign-language pragmatic competence and awareness of English philology students in Spain 2019 Richard Nightingale Book chapter
English-medium instruction and functional adequacy in L2 writing 2019 Ana Herriaz, Eva Alcón Book chapter
Learning pragmatics in the multilingual classroom: Exploring multicompetence across types of discourse-pragmatic markers 2019 Sofía Martín-Laguna Book chapter
Teachers’ beliefs about multilingual pedagogies and the role of initial training 2018 Laura Portolés, Otilia Martí Journal article
Effects of task supported language teaching on learners’ use and knowledge of email request mitigators 2018 Eva Alcón Book chapter
Teacher’s feedback vs. computer-generated feedback: A focus on articles 2018 Tamara Hernández Journal article
Are Classroom Requests Similar in All EFL Settings? Focusing on a Young Multilingual Learning Environment 2018 Pilar Safont Book chapter
Development of discourse-pragmatic markers in a multilingual classroom: A mixed method research approach 2018 Sofía Martín-Laguna, Eva Alcón Journal article
Examining authentic and elicited data from a multilingual perspective. The real picture of child requestive behaviour in the L3 classroom 2018 Laura Portolés, Pilar Safont Journal article
Editors' introduction to mixed method approaches in investigating pragmatic learning 2018 Eva Alcón, Pilar Safont Journal article
Pragmatic development during study abroad: An analysis of Spanish teachers' request strategies in English emails 2017 Eva Alcón Journal article
Translanguaging as a teaching resource in early language learning of English as a an additional language (EAL) 2017 Laura Portolés, Otilia Martí Journal article
La importancia de la evaluación docente 2017 Eva Alcón Journal article
Learning Pragmatic Routines during Study Abroad: A Focus on Proficiency and Type of Routine 2017 Eva Alcón Journal article
Percepcions del futur professorat de primària sobre el potencial didàctic de l’AICLE més enllà de la competència lingüística en anglés 2017 Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés Book chapter
Getting to the point: una propuesta para el desarrollo y la evaluación de las competencias del inglés escrito en el contexto universitario 2017 Richard Nightingale Book chapter
Ensenyar anglés des d’una perspectiva plurilingüe: creences i coneixements previs del futur professorat d’educació infantil i primària 2016 Otilia Martí, Laura Portolés Book chapter
Exploring Textual Pragmatic Markers in a Multilingual Classroom Context 2016 Sofía Martín-Laguna Book chapter
Teaching apology formulas at the discourse level: Are instructional effects maintained over time? 2016 Alicia Martínez-Flor Journal article
Task-based language teaching: An analysis of learners’ perception of technology-mediated tasks in EFL contexts 2016 Gloria Sánchez Journal article
Pragmatic functions of formulaic speech in three different languages 2016 Pilar Safont, Laura Portolés Journal article
Eliciting oral interaction data in EFL settings 2016 Eva Alcón Book chapter
EFL Students' Preferences Towards Written Corrective Feedback: An Exploratory Study on Age and Level of Proficiency 2016 Patricia Salazar-Campillo Journal article
Multilingualism and Very Young Learners: An Analysis of Pragmatic Awareness and Language Attitudes 2015 Laura Portolés Book (monograph)
Learning and Using Multiple Languages: Current Findings from Research on Multilingualism 2015 Pilar Safont, Laura Portolés Edited volume
Teachers' percpetions of email requests: insights for teaching pragmatics in study abroad contexts 2015 Eva Alcón Book chapter
The promotion of multilingualism in a Catalan-speaking area. Familial challenges in the Valencian Community. 2015 Pilar Safont Book chapter
Instruction and pragmatic change during study abroad email communication 2015 Eva Alcón Journal article
Do learners rely on metadiscourse markers? An exploratory study in English, Catalan and Spanish 2015 Sofía Martín-Laguna, Eva Alcón Journal article
Pragmatic learning and study abroad: Effects of instruction and length of stay 2015 Eva Alcón Journal article
An Analysis of Blogs in Communicative Classrooms: Exploring its Potential 2014 Gloria Sánchez Journal article
Analysing prospective teachers’ attitudes towards three languages in two different sociolinguistic and educational settings 2014 Laura Portolés Book chapter
Well I Never!: Formulaic Language as a Pragmatic Resource in Child Entertainment Media 2014 Richard Nightingale Book chapter
Teachers’ and students' perception of e-mail politeness in academic cyber-consultation: Implications for teaching pragmatics. 2014 Eva Alcón, Victòria Codina, Sofía Martín-Laguna Book chapter
Raising learners’ attention to refusals during Focus on Form interaction: Does the interlocutor matter? 2014 Sofía Martín-Laguna Book chapter
Refusals in instructional contexts and beyond 2013 Otilia Martí, Patricia Salazar-Campillo Edited volume
Code switching in classroom discourse: A multilingual approach 2013 Laura Portolés, Sofía Martín-Laguna Book chapter
An analysis of second life in foreign language learning and teaching: exploring its potential 2013 Gloria Sánchez Journal article
Commentary on Copp Mokönen’s dissertation 2013 Pilar Safont Other
Early stages of trilingual pragmatic development. A longitudinal study of requests in Catalan, Spanish and English 2013 Pilar Safont Journal article
The effect of proficiency and interlocutor on learners’ performance during refusal focused tasks 2013 Sofía Martín-Laguna, Eva Alcón Book chapter
Discourse and language learning across L2 instructional settings 2012 Eva Alcón, Pilar Safont Edited volume
Early requestive development in consecutive third language learning 2011 Pilar Safont Journal article
Speech Act Performance: Theoretical, empirical and methodological issues 2010 Alicia Martínez-Flor, Esther Usó-Juan Edited volume
Dell H. Hymes ya apostaba por un enfoque multilingüe y etnográfico en el estudio de la lengua 2010 Pilar Safont Journal article
Refusal Strategies: a proposal from a sociopragmatic approach 2009 Patricia Salazar-Campillo, Pilar Safont, Victòria Codina Journal article
Investigating Pragmatics in Foreign Language Learning, Teaching and Testing 2008 Eva Alcón, Alicia Martínez-Flor Edited volume
L'Ensenyament /adquisició de segones llengües des d'una perspectiva pragmàticodiscursiva 2007 Eva Alcón, María Carmen Campoy, Victòria Codina, Ana Fernández, Otilia Martí, Alicia Martínez-Flor, Pilar Safont, Patricia Salazar-Campillo, Esther Usó-Juan Journal article
Current Trends in the Development and Teaching of the four Language Skills 2006 Esther Usó-Juan, Alicia Martínez-Flor Edited volume
Book Review: Trilingüismo en la enseñanza. Actitudes hacia la lengua minoritaria, la mayoritaria y la extranjera 2006 Pilar Safont Other
Pragmatics in Instructed Language Learning (Edition: Special Issue) 2005 Eva Alcón, Alicia Martínez-Flor Journal article
Editors’ introduction to pragmatics in instructed language learning 2005 Eva Alcón, Alicia Martínez-Flor Journal article
The effects of instruction on learners’ production of appropriate and accurate suggestions 2005 Alicia Martínez-Flor Journal article